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Schools of Thought in Psychology Are a Product of Personality

Writer: Janika ByingtonJanika Byington

Updated: Sep 3, 2022

Each school of thought addresses a different need type because each of the theorists who developed them perceived the world according to their own Needs Focus (personality)

Individuals Project Themselves Onto the World The men who created psychological theory saw the world in the context of their own dominant needs drives. Therefore, the schools of thought they developed, emphasized their own personal sense of need and efficacy. Each of them was singular in their perspective. Tragically, they projected their personality limitations onto humanity as a whole.

Even worse, psychology students for decades have been subjected to the divisive perspectives and are asked to pick which one they think is best--from their perspective--which really only reveals how their personality type aligns with the theorists.

In reality, only the collective of the schools of thought gives a thorough and accurate view of the four different types of need and how they impact humanity. Therefore, when all their research is put into proper context and contained in an inclusive theory, we can make use of what they got right and eliminate where they were off, and make everything fit together.

We Identify With Those who are Most Like Us B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov were focused on physical needs and developed theories around human behavior based on that perspective (Behaviorism). Freud and Carl Jung were the leaders in psychoanalysis. This field touches on spiritual needs. The Allport brothers and Kurt Lewin were leaders in social psychology which addresses (without identifying or understanding them) the impact of emotional needs on human interaction. Noam Chomsky and Jean Piaget saw the world through the perspective of intellectual needs so they developed cognitive psychology. As noted, when college students are endlessly asked to pick a perspective to write a paper about, they will be most likely to pick the school of thought that most closely aligns with their personal needs preference, or personality type. This pattern continues as psychologists and therapists select their treatment modalities. But with a limited perspective and focus mental health workers, coaches, and individuals may multiply problems by failing to recognize and meet all Four Needs in a balanced way. Physical problems need Physical solutions. Emotional problems need emotional solutions. Intellectual problems must be intellectually addressed. Spiritual problems require spiritual help.

The World is Shaped by the Theories of Individuals The twentieth Century, when the field of psychology was born, was dominated by industrial, mechanistic thinking. Humanity was making huge strides in physical advancement and invention. And humans started to be seen as part of the great machine of society. While science (theoretically) wanted to understand humanity for the sake of understanding, there was a deeper motivation to control it for industrialist power and money. And regardless of the personality and intention of the philosophers and theorists who developed the theories, psychology became a framework for how to manipulate individuals and societies. Our mechanistic/industrial age thinking developed a cultural personality that was focused on physical results. The idea that humans are only driven by physical needs has allowed a culture of addiction that does not meet emotional, spiritual and intellectual needs and only sees those other needs as a distraction from "reality" or a secondary trigger to stimulate a person to respond to physical drives. I am presenting a very contrasting idea of human nature and behavior.

Defeating Dogma Every social structure and government ever created is built on an idea about human nature and origin. The impact of those ideas is even deeper when they are given the weight of scientific or religious truth. The weight and acceptance of these ideas then become the source of social power for those who use and support those ideas to maintain that power. Those who seek to maintain that social power must then suppress new ideas that challenge the premise. This is how dogma becomes entrenched. And the most cunning social regulators know that human nature resists new ideas and change. But dogma cannot resist change for very long when new ideas are presented that more accurately reflect human and universal truths and better serve individual and social well-being.

What Do I Want? I have a pretty driving spiritual need to change the world into a better place. I would also like to stop living below the poverty line as a single mom. I am trying to introduce ideas that will genuinely help people resolve unmet and conflicting needs so that we can enjoy genuine and lasting happiness. That might mean a massive propaganda campaign to convince you that what I am saying is true. But more than teaching you what is true, I really want to help people get rid of the lies they cling to that trap them in unhealthy or abusive relationships, organizations, and governments. Shhh. Don't tell anyone. I am a conspiring revolutionary.



Four Needs Training and Research

© 2020 Janika Byington

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